
This is for users who wish to get started using the “OTIOView” application to inspect the contents of editorial timelines.

Install Prerequisites

OTIOView has an additional prerequisite to OTIO:

You probably want the prebuilt binary for your platform. PySide2 generally includes a link to the appropriate version of Qt as well.

Install OTIO

  • pip install opentimelineio

Configure Environment Variables for extra adapters

By default, when you install OTIO you will only get the “Core” adapters, which include CMX EDL, Final Cut Pro 7 XML, and the built in JSON format. In order to get access to the “contrib” adapters (which includes the maya sequencer, rv and others) you’ll need to set some environment variables. If you need support for these formats, please consult the Adapters documentation page for details

Run OTIOView

Once you have pip installed OpenTimelineIO, you should be able to run:

  • otioview path/to/your/file.edl

Developer Quickstart

Get the source and submodules:

  • git clone git@github.com:PixarAnimationStudios/OpenTimelineIO.git

To build OTIO for C++ development:


    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. { options }
    make install

Windows - in an “x64 Native Tools Command Prompt” for Visual Studio

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={path/to/install/location} { options }
    cmake --build . --target install --config Release

The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable must be set to a path with no spaces in it, because CMake’s default install location is in C:\Program Files, which won’t work with OpenTimelineIO due to spaces in the path.

To build OTIO for Python development:


  • python setup.py install


  • python setup.py install --user

The --user option is not necessary if the build is done within a virtualenv.

Windows - in an “x64 Native Tools Command Prompt” for Visual Studio

python setup.py install --cxx-install-root=C:/path/to/install/cpp

To build OTIO for both C++ and Python development:

The first time setup.py is run, cmake scripts will be created, and the headers and libraries will be installed where you specify. If the C++ or Python sources are subsequently modified, running this command again will build and update everything appropriately.

Note Any CMake arguments can be passed through python setup.py install or pip by using the CMAKE_ARGS environment variable. *nix Example:



  • python setup.py install --cxx-install-root=/home/someone/cxx-otio-root


  • python setup.py install --cxx-install-root=/home/someone/cxx-otio-root --user

The --user option is not necessary if the build is done within a virtualenv.

Windows - in an “x64 Native Tools Command Prompt” for Visual Studio

  • python setup.py install --cxx-install-root=C:/path/to/install/cpp

To compile your own C++ file referencing the OTIO headers from your C++ build using gcc or clang, add the following -I flags:

  • c++ -c source.cpp -I/home/someone/cxx-otio-root/include -I/home/someone/cxx-otio-root/include/opentimelineio/deps

To link your own program against your OTIO build using gcc or clang, add the following -L/-l flags:

  • c++ ... -L/home/someone/cxx-otio-root/lib -lopentimelineio

To use opentime without opentimelineio, link with -lopentime instead, and compile with:

  • c++ -c source.cpp -I/home/someone/cxx-otio-root/include

Debugging Quickstart

Linux / GDB / LLDB

From your virtual environment, compile with debug flags:

  • env OTIO_CXX_DEBUG_BUILD=1 python setup.py install

You can then attach GDB to python and run your program:

  • gdb --args python script_you_want_to_debug.py


  • lldb -- python script_you_want_to_debug.py

One handy tip is that you can trigger a breakpoint in gdb by inserting a SIGINT:

        #include <csignal>
        // ...

GDB will automatically break when it hits the SIGINT line.

How to Generate the C++ Documentation:

Mac / Linux

The doxygen docs can be generated with the following commands:

cd doxygen ; doxygen config/dox_config ; cd ..

Another option is to trigger the make target:

make doc-cpp