Versioning Schemas

During development, it is natural that the fields on objects in OTIO change. To accommodate this, OTIO has a system for handling version differences and upgrading older schemas to new ones. There are two components:

  1. serializeable_label on the class has a name and version field: Foo.5Foo is the schema name and 5 is the version.

  2. upgrade_function_for decorator

Changing a Field

For example, lets say you have class:

import opentimelineio as otio

class SimpleClass(otio.core.SerializeableObject):
  serializeable_label = "SimpleClass.1"
  my_field = otio.core.serializeable_field("my_field", int)

And you want to change my_field to new_field. To do this:

  • Make the change in the class

  • Bump the version number in the label

  • add an upgrade function

So after the changes, you’ll have:

class SimpleClass(otio.core.SerializeableObject):
  serializeable_label = "SimpleClass.2"
  my_field = otio.core.serializeable_field("new_field", int)

@otio.core.upgrade_function_for(SimpleClass, 2)
def upgrade_one_to_two(data):
  return {"new_field" : data["my_field"] }

Lets change it again, so that new_field becomes even_newer_field.

class SimpleClass(otio.core.SerializeableObject):
  serializeable_label = "SimpleClass.2"
  my_field = otio.core.serializeable_field("even_newer_field", int)

@otio.core.upgrade_function_for(SimpleClass, 2)
def upgrade_one_to_two(data):
  return {"new_field" : data["my_field"] }

# NOTE we now have a second upgrade function
@otio.core.upgrade_function_for(SimpleClass, 3)
def upgrade_two_to_three(data):
  return {"even_newer_field" : data["new_field"] }

Upgrade functions can be sparse - if version 3 to 4 doesn’t require a function, for example, you don’t need to write one.

Adding or Removing a Field

Starting from the same class:

class SimpleClass(otio.core.SerializeableObject):
  serializeable_label = "SimpleClass.1"
  my_field = otio.core.serializeable_field("my_field", int)

Adding or Removing a field is simpler. In these cases, you don’t need to write an upgrade function, since any new classes will be initialized through the constructor, and any removed fields will be ignored when reading from an older schema version.

So lets add a new field:

class SimpleClass(otio.core.SerializeableObject):
  serializeable_label = "SimpleClass.2"
  my_field = otio.core.serializeable_field("my_field", int)
  other_field = otio.core.serializeable_field("other_field", int)

And then delete the original field:

class SimpleClass(otio.core.SerializeableObject):
  serializeable_label = "SimpleClass.3"
  other_field = otio.core.serializeable_field("other_field", int)